About the Author

Antoinette Bosco was born in Rome, New York, and grew up in Albany where she attended elementary and high school at Cathedral Academy. A graduate of the College of St. Rose, Albany, she taught in public high school for a year at Cape Vincent, New York, near the Thousand Islands. Married in 1948 to Peter Bosco, a language teacher, she is the mother of six children, and now lives in Smith-town, Long Island.

Busy as she is with her large family, Mrs. Bosco finds time for many other interests. For several years she taught creative writing in the Albany public schools adult program, and is currently active in the Legion of Mary, the Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, and the Catholic Daughters. She began her writing career in 1952 and to date has had over 140 articles published in national magazines. In addition to her story of JOSEPH THE HURON, she is represented in the American Background Books series with Charles John Seghers: Pioneer in Alaska.


Agatha, Joseph's niece, 89, 171 Ahatsistari, Eustace, 184 Algonquins, 185 Amantacha, Louis, Christian

Indian, 70 Amyot, Jean, French workman, 40 Anne, Teondechoren's wife,

baptism of, 62 f. Aochiati, Matthias, Indian

convert, 113 f., 124-25 Aonetta, Marie, Joseph's wife, 5^54,101,148-49,15S-55, 16^65, 171, 175, 178-79; accepts marriage proposal, 18-19; conversion and baptism of, 61-62; nurses sick family, 127-30,136-38 Arioo; see Chastellain, Father

Pierre Atsataion (farewell feast), 60

Bear hunt, 157-62 Bear nation, 9, 34, 134 f„ 148 Blackrobes (Indian name for Jesuits ), 29; Indian distrust of, 43-44; move to Sainte Marie, 102-03 Boivin, Charles, 100 Brébeuf, Father Jean de: among the Montagnais, 30; early years in New France, 32-35; lives as Huron, 35; nurses sick, 41-43; moves to

Ossosane, 46; instructs and baptizes Joseph, 50-52; attends Indian council, 58; prepares for martyrdom, 58-59; gives farewell death feast, 60-61, instructs Hu-rons, 67; replaced as superior, 73; baptizes Iroquois prisoners, 83-84; fights smallpox epidemic, 113 ff.; vision of, 180; martyrdom of, 186-^7

Cayugas, 185 Cecelia, Joseph's niece, 89,


Chabanel, Father Noel, 186 Chastellain, Father Pierre, 40,

59-60,11&-17,147 Chaumonot, Father Pierre,


Chiwatenwa, Joseph: moves to new village, 10-13; proposes to Aonetta, 19; death of his father, 22-27; hears Echon for first time, 38-39; instruction and baptism of, 50-52; trials of, 64, 136^8; as lay catechist, 67; accompanies Echon to Cord nation, 78; explains Mass to Indians, 89; prayers of, 91, 165; journeys to Quebec, 91-99; makes a retreat,


1(B-04; defends Blackrobes, 120; suffers for faith, 123; travels to Tobacco nation, 139-47; preaches to Indians, 146-47; on bear hunt, 157-62; makes peace with brother, 169-70; death of, 175; burial of, 179

Cord nation, 9, 34, 69-71, 134 f., 148

Councils, Indian, 46, 55, 70-71,119-21,134-35

Couture, William (donne), 185

"Dance of the madmen," 124 "Dance of the masks," 117 Daniel, Father Antoine, 34,

60,148,186 Dominique, French workman,


donnes (oblates), 75 Dream, the, Huron superstition, 17,25,33

Echon; see Brébeuf, Father

Jean de Eustace; see Ahatsistari

Fire dance, 27-28,130 Five-Nation Confederacy, Iroquois, 186

Gamier, Father Charles, 41,

58,60, 143 ff., 186 Georgian Bay, 99 Goupil, Rene (donne), 185

Hurons: moving of villages, 9-13; manner of constructing longhouses) 13; games


of, 16, 108; method of making bows and arrows, 17-18; duties of women, 20; obstacles to conversion of, 33; treatment of sick, 40, 44; hostility toward Black-robes, 49, 55, 106; wiped out by Iroquois, 184 ff.

lhonatiria, Indian village, 32,

34,46 Influenza, epidemic of, 40--44,

49-53 Iroquois, prisoners of Cords,


Jogues, Father Isaac, 46, 60, 68-69; ill with influenza, 40; goes to Ossosane, 45; at Cord nation, 80; rescued by Joseph, 143; captured by Iroquois, 185; killed by Mohawks, 186

Joseph; see Chiwatenwa, Joseph

La Conception; see Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception

Lalement, Father Gabriel, 186 Lalement, Father Jerome, superior of Huron mission, 72 ff., 88-89, 99-100, III, 148 Le Coq, Robert (donne), 75,

102,128,132-34 Le Jeune, Father Paul, 7S, 75 Le Mercier, Father Francois, 40 ff., 57, 59, 77-78, 91-99, 103 ff., 127 ff., 148



Mane; see Aonetta, Marie Master magician, 23-24 Mathurin, French workman,

40 Montagnais, Indian tribe, 30

Neutrals (Indian nation),

134 f. New France, 32

Oblates; see donnes Ondessonk; see Jogues, Father Isaac Ondihorrea, chief of Cords,

70,119 ff. Oneidas, 184 Onondagas, 184 Ononkwaia, Peter, chief of

Oneidas, 83 ff. Oqui, good luck charm, 16,


Ossosane, Joseph's village, 34, 65, 66; Jesuits move to, 46; Christmas at, 88-91 Ouendats; see Hurons Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, mission at Ossosane, 46,77,102

Petit-Pre, French workman,


Petuns, 34 Pierre, first adult Huron

Christian, 45 PiJ'art, Father Pierre, 41,46,60

Ragueneau, Father Paul, 54,

58, 60, 80, 133 f„ 138, 148 Relations, 74 Rene Tsondihwane; see

Tsondihwane, Rene Rock nation, 9, 34, 134 f„ 148

Sainte Marie-among-the-Hu-rons, 74,99-100

Saoekbata, Peter, Joseph's brother, 10 ff., 58, 128, 157-63,175 ff., 185

Smallpox, epidemic of, 94, 113ff.

Talbot, Father Francis X.,

S.J„ Jesuit historian, 183 Teondechoren, Joseph's brother, 52-53, 62-64, 108-11, 129 ff., 154-55, 163, 169-70, 175 ff.; moves to new village, 10-13; learns fire rites, 28-29; performs fire dance, 30-31, 130; baptism of, 183; capture of, 185 Therese, Joseph's niece, 89,

171,185 Thomas, Joseph's son, 53 Tobacco nation, 134 f„ 148 Torture of prisoners, 80-86 Tsondihwane, Rene, 29,68, 130 ff„ 150^51

Ursulines, in Canada, 92 f.

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