Choosing Mercy

Orbis Books 

March 22,2001

Dear Toni,

What a beautiful gift you have given us! But how much pain it must have caused you anew! To review and to endure again all that suffering! Choosing Mercy arrived just the other day and, as you can see. I am deep into it. Thank you for all it cost you! Your text is so imbued, replete to overflowing with (the gospel) spirit. You'd have to have a heart of stone not to be moved. There is the sense of "felt life," and behind the words there is the life you have embodied and incarnated. I'm so enthused about your work that I feel compelled to write even before I finish the book. Thank you again! And I have to tell you that. as I continue reading, and pondering, very frequently I will be saying, "Thank God for Toni Bosco!"

Also this calls for some observation: besides everything else, you don't hesitate to confess your own struggles, that it didn't come easy, that you had your battles, that it wasn't something that came naturally. Indeed not, as you are always bringing out what sustained, inspired, motivated you . . . an element, a reality that you don't attribute to yourself. Beautiful! (Yes, it is not for me to say, but I say it; John and Nancy must be rejoicing too!)

Toni, prayers for you and your splendid labors for the kingdom of God and for the God who have embayed us with his love.


Father Pesce

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Orbis Books
ISBN: 157075358X, Paperback

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